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Banish These Four Accounts Payable Monsters

Which Monsters Lurk in Your Back-Office? Take the Quiz!
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Inefficiencies in Accounts Payable can feel as tricky and intimidating as mythical monsters. Just when you think everything's running smoothly, these AP beasts emerge from the shadows, threatening to disrupt your back-office and drain your cash flow.

These sneaky troublemakers hide behind the scenes, throwing wrenches into your workflows when you least expect it. If your office has been feeling the weight of a productivity slump, it might be the work of four notorious AP monsters:

  • The ScatterSphinx of Disorganized Documents
  • The Phantom of Past Processes
  • The Tardy Troll of Late Payments
  • The Manual Date Entry Medusa

Fear not! Denim’s Ectomobile is here to help you conquer those back-office demons, banishing time-sucking ghouls from your brokerage once and for all. Let’s take a closer look at these troublemakers—and how to defeat them! Or, take the quiz to find out which monster is haunting your back office!

1. The phantom of past processes 

"Ask the driver to fax the BOL. That's how it used to be done." - Phantom of Past Processes

What it is: 

This ghostly presence haunts your AP operations with outdated, manual processes. It keeps your office stuck in the past, preventing you from embracing modern, automated solutions. You might recognize its whispers of "we’ve always done it this way" or “I prefer doing it manually.”

How it hurts you: 

The Phantom drags down your efficiency. Tasks that could be automated—like processing invoices or updating payment statuses—become time-consuming and prone to mistakes. This slows down your cash flow and ties up your team's valuable time.

How to defeat it: 

Adopting new software and automation tools can send this Phantom packing. Digitizing workflows like payment processing speeds up operations, reduces human error, and frees up your team to focus on more valuable tasks. Automation not only saves time but also improves accuracy, ensuring everything runs smoothly.

For example, solutions like Denim’s tech-forward factoring tools eliminate manual input for tasks such as sending payments, data entry, or updating carriers on payment status. With automation, you can reduce time spent on these tasks by up to 75%, while boosting the accuracy and speed of your AP processes.

Begone, dark phantom! You have no hold here!

2. Scatter sphinx of disorganized documents 

"I'm not a note or a fee, but I ensure cargo's where it should be. What am I?" - ScatterSphinx

What it is: 

The ScatterSphinx is a trickster that thrives in chaos, turning your document management into a confusing labyrinth. It hides rate confirmations behind endless email threads, buries proofs of delivery under piles of paperwork, and scatters crucial files like leaves in the wind. Searching for the right document? The ScatterSphinx will have you solving riddles in your search bar, wasting precious time.

How it hurts you: 

This monster creates chaos and confusion, especially when you need documents quickly. The endless hunt through emails, misplaced files, and paper stacks becomes a major time sink, leading to missed deadlines and frustrated team members. When the ScatterSphinx is on the loose, efficiency takes a big hit.

How to defeat it:

Beat the ScatterSphinx by setting up a simple, centralized system for managing documents. Use a document management tool—whether it’s a cloud platform, dedicated inbox, or specialized software—to keep all your files in one place. Organize them clearly (e.g., rate confirmations, proofs of delivery, invoices) with easy-to-understand names, so you can find what you need without getting lost in the clutter.

For example, Denim’s Document Inbox streamlines this process, letting you collect and manage load-related documents in one spot. No more digging through email threads or chasing down files—just quick access to what you need. With features like automated document attachments and a user-friendly upload portal, you can get paid faster and cut down on time-wasting manual tasks.

ScatterSphinx, your riddles are no match for a well-organized office!

3. The Tardy Troll of Late Payments

"Why rush payments when I can make 'em fashionably late?" - Tardy Troll

What it is:

The Tardy Troll loves to lurk around your payment processes, causing delays and holding up payments to carriers. This stubborn beast thrives in confusion, slowing down approvals and making sure that carriers wait longer than they should to get paid. When the Tardy Troll is around, smooth cash flow and timely payments become distant dreams.

How it hurts you:

Late payments frustrate carriers, strain relationships, and can even lead to losing valuable partners. When carriers aren’t paid on time, it impacts their ability to stay on the road and manage their cash flow. Plus, dealing with the aftermath—like answering calls from frustrated carriers or processing late fees—wastes even more time and energy.

How to defeat it: 

To banish the Tardy Troll, streamline your payment processes and consider using automated payment systems. Set up clear payment schedules and make sure your team has easy access to payment status updates, so they’re not stuck chasing down answers. Automated systems can help ensure payments are made on time, reducing manual errors and speeding up the process.

With Denim’s integration with MCP, you can pull in carrier data and pay carriers according to their preferences, ensuring everyone gets what they need without delays. Plus, Denim offers QuickPay without additional fees, allowing brokers to pay carriers as quickly as 1-2 business days. Even better, brokers can add a fee for QuickPay services and keep the profits, turning timely payments into a potential revenue stream.

Tardy Troll, your days of slowing down payments are over—Denim’s QuickPay sends you packing faster than ever!

4. The Manual Data Entry Medusa 

"Dare to audit my snaky mane, but know that numbers aren't the only thing you'll strain." - Manual Audit Medusa

What is it: 

The Manual Data Entry Medusa thrives on repetitive, mundane tasks, trapping your team in a tangle of duplicate data entry. Her tangled mane of invoices, spreadsheets, and forms forces your team into endless cycles of typing, re-typing, and double-checking—turning even the most efficient operations to stone with boredom and inefficiency.

How it hurts you: 

Manual data entry is slow, tedious, and prone to errors. It drags down your productivity, creating delays in payment processing and increasing the chance of costly mistakes. When your team is stuck re-entering data across multiple platforms, it’s tough to keep things running smoothly or focus on more strategic tasks.

How to defeat it:

Beat the Manual Data Entry Medusa by using automation tools that remove the need for tedious, repetitive tasks. These tools help eliminate data silos by seamlessly connecting different parts of your workflow, ensuring that information flows smoothly between systems. This reduces the need for manual input and ensures that your team isn’t bogged down by duplicating data across platforms. If automation isn’t an option, using templates and standardized processes can still cut down on time spent on these mundane tasks.

With Denim’s automation tools and integrations, simplifying data entry is easier than ever. Denim integrates with over 16 TMS platforms and carrier onboarding systems, making setup a breeze. What once took hours of duplicative work is now reduced to just a single click. You can trust that load data pulled into Denim is accurate, reducing human error and ensuring jobs are processed correctly the first time. This means faster payments and avoiding overhead costs, leaving the Medusa’s grip far behind.

The Manual Data Entry Medusa, your days of trapping our team in endless data entry are over—Denim’s automation turns you to stone, and not the other way around!

Ready to Send These AP Monsters Packing?

With the Phantom of Past Processes, ScatterSphinx, Tardy Troll, and Manual Data Entry Medusa no longer lurking in your back office, you can finally breathe a sigh of relief. By adopting the right tools and strategies, you can turn these pesky creatures into mere bedtime stories—no longer haunting your daily operations.

From automating tedious tasks to streamlining document management, a little preparation and the right technology can go a long way. And if you’re looking for an ally in this quest, Denim’s solutions are here to help you conquer the toughest AP challenges with ease.

So why keep battling these back-office beasts alone? Connect with one of our experts today, and let’s banish inefficiencies together—no monster is too scary when you’ve got the right team on your side!

Farewell, AP monsters—your days of terrorizing operations are over!

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